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Save Link in Folder



This add-on/extension is no longer compatible with current releases of Firefox.
The code is based on Mozilla's XUL- and XPCOM-APIs, which are obsolete and no longer supported.

Bringing the extension back to life would require a complete rewrite using WebExtensions.
Unfortunately at the moment I can't give you any details on when (or even if) I will be able to accomplish this task.
I will look into it if time permits.

Thanks for your patience!

This extension helps you to quickly save links/files into different folders without having to click through your folder structure again and again.

Simply create your personal set of frequently used save-locations and access them via context-menu.
The folders can automatically be opened by your favourite file-manager upon downloading.
They can even be browsed within Firefox using a new toolbar-menu.












1.5.17 (2015-12-12)

  • added sl-SL locale
  • raised maxVersion to 42.*

1.5.16 (2015-03-04)

  • raised maxVersion to 36.*

1.5.15 (2013-12-01)

  • raised maxVersion to 25.*

1.5.14 (2013-06-26)

1.5.13 (2013-01-30)

  • minor changes to improve backwards-compatibility

1.5.12 (2013-01-17)

  • Again, the previous version didn't work as expected. :-( ... sorry 'bout that. :-)
    I invested some more time in code-digging and testing this time. I'm pretty confident it'll work now.
    In case someone else developing extensions is experiencing problems with the saveURL- and saveURI-methods:
    Both of these methods require additional parameters since they're "privacy aware" now.
    Whereas saveURI requires a nsILoadContext-object, saveURL simply needs a document-object referring to the content.
    However, saveURL kept popping up a SaveAs-dialog (due to whatever reason); so I had to remove saveURL-calls completely and replace them with internalSave-calls (which by the way are "privacy aware" as well now *g*).

1.5.11 (2013-01-06)

  • the last release didn't quite solve the issues with the new API :( ... hope this one does ;)

1.5.10 (2013-01-04)

1.5.9 (2012-11-04)

  • fixed compatibility-issues for current Firefox versions (clipboard / nsITransferable)
  • bumped maxVersion to 16.*

1.5.8 (2011-12-14)

  • bumped maxVersion to 8.*

1.5.7 (2011-10-01)

  • bumped maxVersion to 7.*

1.5.6 (2011-08-18)

  • bumped maxVersion to 6.*

1.5.5 (2011-06-21)

  • bumped maxVersion to 5.*

1.5.4 (2011-03-31)

  • bumped maxVersion to 4.0.*
  • additional "fallback-code" to deal with the missing status-bar

1.5.3 (2010-12-27)

  • code-modifications to ensure FF4.0-compatibility
    (no more error-messages due to the missing statusbar in FF4.0; with FF4.0 the launch()-method of nsILocalFile caused trouble under Linux (and probably for other OSes as well))
  • bumped maxVersion to 4.0b9pre

1.5.2 (2010-01-31)

  • added the missing CSS-assignment for the toolbar

1.5.1 (2010-01-30)

  • fixed the integration of SLiF within the "unknown-content-type dialog" (missing since the update to 3.6-compatibility)

1.5 (2010-01-24)

  • necessary adjustments to ensure 3.6-compatibility

1.4.6 (2009-07-01)

  • added zh-CN locale
  • bumped maxVersion to 3.5.*

1.4.5 (2009-04-28)

  • bumped maxVersion to 3.1b3

1.4.4 (2009-01-11)

  • fixed a bug in the options-dialog

1.4.3 (2008-12-14)

  • (hopefully) fixed incompatibility-issues with some themes
  • bumped maxVersion to 3.1b2

1.4.2 (2008-05-18)

  • raised maxVersion to 3.0.*

1.4.1 (2008-05-01)

  • raised maxVersion to 3.0pre

1.4 (2008-03-06)

  • raised maxVersion to 3.0b5pre
  • new guid-, clipboard- and random-variable
  • reorganization of code-structure
  • using new Gecko1.9-localization for descriptions

1.3.4 (2007-06-07)

  • added sr-YU locale

1.3.3 (2007-04-13)

  • fixed sk-SK locale

1.3.2 (2007-04-10)

  • added sv-SE locale

1.3.1 (2006-12-01)

  • reactivated tr-TR locale

1.3 (2006-11-28)

  • new: notification options (status bar, popup window)
  • minor code improvements
  • reactivated sk-SK locale
  • tr-TR and fy-NL locales deactivated due to incompleteness;
    if you want to contribute and complete the missing phrases then please contact me

1.2 (2006-10-06)

  • new option: a replacement-filename can be set for the files saved into a folder
  • introduced "parameter-variables" which can be used for parameterised download-sources (see "hidden prefs")
  • selecting Save Link in Folder in the "unknown content-type"-dialog will now be remembered next time the dialog appears
  • minor improvements on options-dialog
  • sk-SK and uk-UA locales deactivated due to incompleteness;
    if you want to contribute and complete the missing phrases then please contact me
  • raised maxVersion to 2.0.0.*

1.1.3 (2006-07-13)

  • "cosmetic corrections" for options-dialog

1.1.2 (2006-07-03)

  • reactivated pl-PL locale

1.1.1 (2006-05-28)

  • added pt-BR locale
  • raised maxVersion to 2.0
    (FF2.0 alpha3 just got released yesterday; it's "feature-frozen"... so it should be safe to already raise the maxVersion to 2.0 *g*)

1.1 (2006-04-09)

  • menu-separators can now be set
  • a statusbar-message will appear after saving a file
  • customizable keyboard-shortcut for the context-menu
  • new option: display numeric shortcuts trailing the first ten folder entries
  • correction on the url-variable: filenames now get stripped off
  • minor code-improvements
  • unfortunately the pl-PL locale had to be deactivated for this release since the original translator didn't respond to my translation-request;
    if you want to contribute and complete the missing phrases then please contact me

1.0 (2006-02-24)

  • new feature: you now have the opportunity to use your folders when Firefox detects files with an unknown content-type
  • introduced "hidden prefs"
  • added fy-NL locale
  • other code-improvements

0.9.3 (2006-01-29)

  • bugfix: the new toolbar-feature still had some nasty bugs causing trouble on Windows-systems
  • added sk-SK locale

0.9.2 (2006-01-25)

  • changed maxVersion to 1.5.0.* (due to the upcoming release of FF
  • added another prefs-value for the advanced-tab (

0.9.1 (2005-12-27)

  • HOTFIX: the new feature (browsing within Firefox) didn't work on Windows-systems
  • corrections on the de-DE locales

0.9 (2005-12-21)

  • new feature: the entered folders can now be browsed within Firefox using a toolbar-button
  • added tr-TR locale

0.8.4 (2005-11-05)

  • raised maxVersion to 1.5

0.8.3 (2005-10-10)

  • added ru-RU locale
  • raised maxVersion to 1.4.1 (FF 1.5 Beta 2)

0.8.2 (2005-09-21)

  • added ja-JP and hu-HU locale

0.8.1 (2005-09-17)

  • bugfix: the procedure for localizing the main-description caused problems

0.8 (2005-09-15)

  • raised maxVersion to 1.4 (FF 1.5 Beta 1)
  • more detailed options regarding duplicate filenames (prompt, auto-increment, cancel, overwrite)
  • SLiF now can handle indirect references (links targeting to PHP-scripts, etc.)
  • improvements for the pl-PL locale
  • corrections on the save-procedure (necessary due to some changes in "Deer Park Alpha 2")
  • new button-images in the options-dialog
  • the extension's main-description is now localized

0.7.1 (2005-07-20)

  • added pl-PL locale
  • corrections on the save-procedure (necessary due to some changes in "Deer Park Alpha 2")

0.7 (2005-06-04)

  • foldernames now can contain non-ascii-characters from the system's codepage
  • additional variables for the prefix/suffix (%url%, %domain%, %title%)
  • performance optimizations
  • some corrections on the options-dialog
  • raised compatibility to Firefox 1.0+ ("Deer Park Alpha")

0.6 (2005-05-16)

  • you now have the ability to choose the executable used for opening the folder (useful for Linux-users)
  • the path of the last used folder can be saved into Firefox's native preferences (prefs.js)
  • files with no direct reference to a file can now be opened with a "Save as..."-dialog
  • several minor code improvements
  • raised compatibility to Firefox 1.0.4
  • the extension finally got its own 32x32-icon ;-)

0.5 (2005-05-02)

  • holding down the ctrl-key while selecting a context-menu item just opens the folder without saving the file
  • added Chinese Traditional zh-TW localization

0.4 (2005-04-18)

  • the "general-options" from the previous version can now be set individually for each folder
  • individual folder-settings can be bypassed using the shift-key on the context-menu items
  • new option: "Open the target folder when the download starts."
  • new item at the end of the context-menu to directly enter the options-dialog
  • folders with invalid path can now be hidden in context-menu
  • tooltips for context-menu items
  • raised compatibility to Firefox 1.0.3
  • bugfix: opening the "Save As"-dialog crashed Firefox under Linux systems
  • some minor code improvements

0.3.1 (2005-04-11)

  • small bugfix: adding file-extension if filename was manually changed (to a name without or different extension)

0.3 (2005-04-07)

  • restructured code for better compatibility with other extensions
    (update recommended!)

0.2 (2005-04-??)

  • new options: "Show 'Save As...'-dialog" and "Overwrite if file already exists"

0.1.1 (2005-04-??)

  • added several localizations (it-IT, es-ES, nl-NL, fr-FR)

0.1 (2005-04-05)

  • initial release


Hidden Prefs

Save Image in Folder offers settings which are not reachable via GUI but Firefox's built-in "config-editor" (about:config).

The following preferences can be set (Name | Default).


extensions.savelinkinfolder.nofilereference-filename      | 'unknown'
extensions.savelinkinfolder.nofilereference-fileextension | 'ext'
extensions.savelinkinfolder.nofilereference-showdialog    | true

When you try to save an image that has no direct source-reference (e.g. these nasty php-linked images like then you'll automatically get prompted with a "Save As..."-dialog.
These preferences allow you to change the default-filename of the image to be saved; which is "unknown.ext".
You can even disable the "Save As..."-dialog by setting nofilereference-showdialog to false. That way your usual folder-settings will take effect. So keep in mind that if you have chosen to overwrite any existing files without prompting (for example)... you won't get prompted and the file will be overwritten... even if there might have been problems retrieving the actual image!

An extra for the even more advanced users ...
Now here comes a tricky (but very comfortable) way to get a characteristic filename for those parameterised download sources.
Assuming the source of the image reads like this:

You might want to have the threadid and attachmentid to be part of your image-filename.
Just enter something like the following into your nofilereference-filename-preference (mentioned above):


The resulting filename (including your preferred file-extension) will be:


Well... you still have to know the parameters in advance and decide which ones to use. So this isn't a very generic way dealing with the problem since it might not fit for every website. To keep it flexible and "universally usable" I also introduced a variable called ALL_PARAMETERS to just insert all parameters.


... will bring you ...


VoilĂ ! Hope anybody out there finds this useful.


extensions.savelinkinfolder.randomstring-length | 8

Determines the length of the random-variable (see "Prefix / Suffix Variables"-section below).


extensions.savelinkinfolder.doubleclick-minwidth  | 0
extensions.savelinkinfolder.doubleclick-minheight | 0

This sets the minimum width and height of an image when using the doubleclick-feature. If the double-clicked image is smaller than these values it won't be saved. This option prevents "accidental" double-clicks on navigational images (arrows, buttons, etc.) which shouldn't be saved. (Leaving the default setting 0 / 0 completely ignores the restriction; saving every image that gets double-clicked.)

Prefix/Suffix Variables

These variables can be used for the prefix/suffix-string:

Variable Description
%dd% day
%MM% month
%yyyy% year
%hh% hour
%mm% minute
%ss% second
%url% full address of the visited website (e.g. "www.mozilla.org_products_firefox_")
%domain% just the domain of the website (e.g. "")
%title% title of the website
%guid% a "globally unique identifier"-string
%random% a random number (length can be set in "Hidden Prefs")
%clipboard% the current (textual) contents of the clipboard


Q: Is there a way to export all folder-settings so that I don't have to reconfigure them when I reinstall my system.

A: Yes, there is. Like pretty much every other extension out there, Save Link in Folder saves its preferences directly into Firefox's preference-system.
Just open Firefox and type about:config in the address-bar. Then type extensions.savelinkinfolder into the filter-box. You then should see all settings for Save Link in Folder.
Just copy the preference named extensions.savelinkinfolder.folders into a text-file. Now you have exported your folder-settings. Later on you can use this method (the other way around) to import as well.

Q: Some links can't be saved. A dialog showing "unknown.ext" pops up. What's this?

A: Please check the "Hidden Prefs"-section on this page.